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Speed Up Android Development

Hello Coders!  Thanks to being here again!

The evolution of software development is so fast. Mobile app development is one of the fast-growing part of this world. Mobile app developers always have to follow up all changes to catch up the world and be updated. Mobile apps are living organisms and should to be improved due to end users needs and platform changes.
I mean using time effectively with the word fast. The articles below will help you to shorten the time for the process of coding.

1. Shortcuts
You will have fun with coding when you use shortcuts. Try to do everything with the keyboard. Exactly this is the first and the most important one.

2. Live Templates
Add your most used code blocks to Live Templates then get rid of the time you spend every time

3. Genymotion:
Use Genymotion instead of Android Emulator. Genymotion is faster and has more features. You will love to make some experiments on Genymotion.

4. Speed up gradle


Gradle wrote a pretty lengthy article on how to improve the performance of your build. I highly recommend to read this to further improve your build performance.If you use the new Gradle build system with Android (or Android Studio) you might have realized, that even the simplest Gradle call (e.g. gradle project or grade tasks) is pretty slow. On my computer it took around eight seconds for that kind of Gradle calls. You can decrease this startup time of Gradle (on my computer down to two seconds), if you tell Gradle to use a daemon to build.Since Gradle 3.0 the daemon is turned on by default.Just create a file named in the following
directory:/home/<username>/.gradle/ (Linux)
/Users/<username>/.gradle/ (Mac)
C:\Users\<username>\.gradle (Windows)

Add this line to the file:org.gradle.daemon=true

From now on Gradle will use a daemon to build, whether you are using Gradle from command line or building in Android Studio. You could also place the file to the root directory of your project and commit it to your SCM system. But you would have to do this, for every project (if you want to use the daemon in every project).Note: If you don’t build anything with Gradle for some time (currently 3 hours), it will stop the daemon, so that you will experience a long start-up time at the next build.Note: Performance improvements are one of the great tasks in the Gradle roadmap for 2014 (and reaching into 2015). So I hope, we’ll see the general performance increasing within these years.Note: This does only affect console builds. Android Studio always uses a Gradle daemon (and depending on your settings some other optimizations).If you use the new Gradle build system with Android (or Android Studio) you might have realized, that even the simplest… Speed Up Gradle Build In Android Studio


5. Configure your Android StudioConfigure your Android Studio to make it more useful.
Follow this link.

6. Run on multiple devices

You can run your app on multiple devices at a time. Just select more than one device on Device Chooser screen when you run your app. It will help you see the behaviour of your app on different devices or Android versions quickly.

Image shown below:

7. Use Android Studio Plugins.
You can check previous blog on this plugin section.

8. See the big pictureSplit your editor to see multiple files at the same time.

9. Use 3rd party tools to make life happier. 

a great JSON formatter easy and fast JSON generator 
Find dependencies of all libraries Find random images for some categories with exact image sizes. (like )
Google Translator Toolkit Translate strings.xml files to any language and download as XML Mock your HTTP responses to test your REST API
Alfi: Android Library Finder from terminal command

10. Believe the power of open source:Use and collaborate open source libraries as much as you can. Write “android” in the search are on Github and sort it with most stars. You will see too many great libraries.Build software better, together

GitHub is where people build software. More than 19 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over…

11.Be a Terminal Master

Mastering the Terminal side of Android development
As a terminal aficionado, I’ve been wanting to write about this topic for a while
you can check at

12. Learn Android Debug Bridge (ADB) commands.
You can do anything with it. (Unlock screen, taking screenshots, touch on a coordinate on screen, make backups etc.)Android Debug Bridge | Android Studio

Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a versatile command-line tool that lets you communicate with a device (an emulator or a… Android Debug Bridge | Android StudioAndroid Debug Bridge (adb) is a versatile command-line tool that lets you communicate with a device (an emulator or a…

13. Follow Google.Use Material Design: to Youtube channel: a look at open source Android projects created by Google:

14. Learn App ArchitecturesAndroid Architecture Blueprints: A todo-app by Google. Explains, MVP, MVVM, Clean Architecture, Loaders, Content Providers, RxJava, Dagger and more.GitHub - googlesamples/android-architecture: A collection of samples to discuss and showcase…android-architecture 

Happy codings :)
#credits and References 
Mindroks, Google , Github, etc.


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