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Showing posts from January, 2021
Enrolling into the Apple Developer Program as an individual LAST MODIFIED:   27 MAY, 2020 CATEGORIES:   ACHIEVE CLIENT APP All businesses who wish to publish an iOS app are required to enroll in the Apple Developer program. This article will describe the process of enrolling in the Apple Developer Program as an individual.To enroll in the Apple Developer Program, you will need to pay a $99 (USD) annual publisher fee – charged by Apple. This fee is the same whether you enroll as an individual or as an organization, and it must be paid on a yearly basis. The following must be completed to successfully enroll in the Apple Developer Program: Create an Apple ID. If you already have an Apple ID, you do not need to complete this step. Please note that creating an Apple ID is not the same as creating an Apple Developer account. Follow this link to learn how to  create Your Apple ID . Disable two-step verification on your Apple account and enable two-factor authentication. Follow this link to l

10 Best Things for Android Development in 2020

2020 is a crazy year for all of us, for sure. In this article, I tried to remember what happened in 2020 in Android development and came up with these 10 main things. #6 is the important one.                                          Refer -  #1 View Binding View Binding makes our work with views easier, and it brings advantages over the standard  findViewById()  and other alternative solutions. View Binding generates a binding class for each XML layout, and the instance contains references to all the views with the ID. Column 1 ButterKnife Kotlin Synthetics Data Binding findViewById View Binding Fast  *  * Null-safe Compile-time safe  ** View Binding  takes the best parts of the other solutions and avoids their drawbacks.  And it’s more important now since the popular  Kotlin Synthetics  are deprecated in Kotlin 1.4. #2 StateFlow and SharedFlow Kotlin Flow is a stream of data that can be computed asynchronously. For example, we can make a network request with t